Sunday, March 15, 2009

13 minus 2

An HOUR to get rid of two?

They have a new rule that they can save a contestant based on some of the previous contestants too early dismissal. But if you look at Daughtry, Tamyra Gray, Jennifer Hudson (to my chagrin), they all have had successful careers. They don't really need the save. I bet they have had better success having been booted early than had they won the AI title.

Megan looks lost during this group song. This is embarrassing to watch. I wonder if it is as embarrassing to perform.

Jasmine is in the bottom group. Megan, too. But Jasmine is the one going home. This whole judge saving thing is a little cruel. Dash the poor kid's hope just one more time.

Anoop and Jorge are in the bottom group. I picked them all. I am proud of myself. Please send Jorge home.

KELLY! Squeeee! What the heck is she wearing and why am I starting to feel dirty whenever Ryan and Simon talk to each other? (I dedicate this song to you, American Idol. My life would suck without you. Just kidding, but we do spend an inordinate amount of time together).

Yay! Anoop! I actually feel a little bad for Jorge. He seems nice enough, if a bit creepy.


Anonymous said...

OMG - Is Simon grading off your wacky point scale? I just heard him say he gave the country guy a 1.2 out of 10 for his performance. I wonder how that compares to your score.

Buggie said...

Oh man. Can you imagine if he read my drivel?

Buggie said...

Oh and 1.2 is huge on my point scale